Flex Therapist CEUs

Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Effects of Deltoid Mass

1. The goal of RTSA is to compensate the dysfunctional rotator cuff after CTA and to improve the stability of the shoulder joint, thus allowing elevation of the upper extremity with alternative function of the deltoid muscle.

A. True B. False

2. Following RTSA, the shoulder kinematics is altered as the _____ becomes the primary motor muscle for flexion and abduction, and its muscle power is vital for shoulder motion.

A. Pectoralis major B. Latissimus dorsi C. Deltoid D. Trapezius

3. All of the following have been considered essential factors for clinical consequences subsequent to RTSA, except for:

A. Symptom duration B. Age C. Obesity D. Scapular notching

4. Which of the following was associated with the postoperative practical consequences in the univariate analyses of this study?

A. Lower deltoid volume B. Absence of complete subscapularis tear C. Smaller change in the acromion-deltoid tuberosity distance D. All of the above were associated with the postoperative practical consequences in the univariate analyses

5. Which of the following was the single independent prognostic factor for the practical consequences?

A. Deltoid muscle volume B. Subscapularis tear C. Acromion-deltoid tuberosity distance D. Shoulder usage level

6. It has been revealed that the degree of postoperative fatty degeneration of the deltoid is positively correlated with the postoperative Constant score.

A. True B. False

7. Measuring the 2-dimensional deltoid muscle area in a single image cut is sufficient to estimate the amount of muscle mass.

A. True B. False

8. It is believed that the _____ provide the true status of the deltoid muscle atrophy and muscle strength.

A. Qualitative fatty degeneration measurements B. Cross-sectional area assessments C. Muscle volume assessments D. Qualitative fatty degeneration, cross-sectional area, and muscle volume all provide equally to the true status of the deltoid muscle atrophy and muscle strength

9. The RTSA depends mostly on the deltoid as a substitute for a nonfunctioning rotator cuff.

A. True B. False

10. It was reported that the deltoid is the most effective flexor and has substantial potential to initiate flexion after RTSA.

A. True B. False

11. Deltoid muscle volume and strength exercises should be performed particularly in patients with _____ who are scheduled to undergo RTSA to improve practical consequences following RTSA.

A. Symptom duration of more than 36 months B. A small and weak deltoid C. A body mass index above 25.0 D. Hypertension or any heart disease

12. Comparing RTSA to total knee arthroplasty, it was demonstrated that preoperative quadriceps exercise at least _____ weeks prior to surgery decreases pain and improves practical consequences.

A. 12 B. 9 C. 6 D. 3

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