Flex Therapist CEUs

Spinal Cord Injury Therapy Review

Physiotherapy Rehabilitation for People With Spinal Cord Injuries

1. Regaining the ability to walk is the highest priority for which group?

A. Those with tetraplegia. B. Those with paraplegia. C. Both tetraplegia and paraplegia groups ranked walking as the highest priority. D. Neither tetraplegia nor paraplegia groups ranked walking as the highest priority.

2. The ability to walk at 1 year is best predicted from all of the following variables collected within 15 days of injury, except for:

A. Sex B. Gastrocnemius strength C. Light touch sensation at L3 D. Light touch sensation at S1

3. Why is the assessment of a patient with SCI an important initial step in physiotherapy management?

A. Setting realistic goals. B. Identifying key problems. C. Both (A) and (B). D. None of the above.

4. Studies have reported reasonable reliability of the sensory tests with better reliability for the pinprick test than the light touch test.

A. True B. False

5. Progressive resistance training for non-paralyzed muscles not only increases strength but also increases quality of life.

A. True B. False

6. Even slight loss of elbow extension will prevent a person with _____ tetraplegia from lifting his/her bodyweight through the upper limbs.

A. C5 B. C6 C. C7 D. None of the above

Respiratory Care in Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

7. Spinal injuries without neurological damage have little effects on respiratory function unless associated with injury to the chest wall.

A. True B. False

8. Complete injuries above the _____ region will result in loss of the major respiratory muscle groups for both inspiration and expiration and thus an inability to either fully aerate the lungs or to clear pulmonary secretions, resulting in major vulnerabilities toward pulmonary collapse and infection.

A. Upper thoracic B. Mid thoracic C. Lower thoracic D. None of the above

9. The prone position should be adopted in times of respiratory compromise and throughout the process of weaning from mechanical ventilation in complete cord lesions.

A. True B. False

10. Regardless of the timing, the method of ventilation for SCI patients requires larger tidal volumes to ensure effective aeration of the lung bases and avoidance of atelectasis and infection.

A. True B. False

A behavioral intervention increases physical activity in people with subacute spinal cord injury: a randomized trial

11. For people with SCI, increasing the amount of physical activity is known to:

A. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. B. Prevent or reduce secondary health problems, such as pressure areas. C. Improve physical fitness and quality of life. D. All of the above.

12. The addition of a behavioral intervention is successful in preventing the decline in physical activity level after discharge.

A. True B. False

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