Flex Therapist CEUs

Shoulder Impingement: An Athlete Case Study

1. Which of the following correctly describe SIS?

A. It typically manifests with pain bilaterally. B. The pain is commonly localized to the superior and lateral aspect of the involved shoulder. C. It results in increased pain with adduction and internal rotation. D. It results in decreased ROM around the involved scapulothoracic joint.

2. In literature, a functional classification of SIS often observes increased electromyography activity in which specific muscles?

A. Upper trapezius muscle B. Middle and lower trapezius muscles C. Serratus anterior muscle D. Functional classification of SIS is commonly seen in all of the above muscles

3. Which cluster of tests show a 10.56 likelihood ratio of being able to rule in SIS as a potential pathology when there are positive results on all three tests?

A. Neer, Hawkins-Kennedy, and drop arm B. Drop arm, painful arc of motion, and infraspinatus muscle test C. Hawkins-Kennedy, painful arc of motion, and infraspinatus muscle test D. Infraspinatus muscle test, Neer, and drop arm

4. Muscular imbalances are one of the main etiologies of a functional classification of SIS.

A. True B. False

5. By addressing muscle force couple imbalance, superior translation and humeral head stabilization would theoretically be corrected.

A. True B. False

6. With external rotation of the glenohumeral joint, it was found that there is decreased activity of the _____ trapezius, leading to muscle force couple imbalance.

A. Upper B. Middle C. Lower D. All of the above

7. The reasoning behind using manual stretching was primarily:

A. To increase the patient’s pain free ROM. B. To increase the patient’s functional activity. C. To increase the patient’s strength. D. To decrease the patient’s pain.

8. The ROM measurements showed significant changes in all motions that were initially limited, except for flexion.

A. True B. False

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