Flex Therapist CEUs

Ethics and Jurisprudence for the Wisconsin Physical Therapist

Ethical Dilemmas

1. An ethical dilemma may emerge from something as innocent as conflicting state and county guidelines or unknowingly using outdated standards or therapeutic equipment.

A. True B. False

Ethical Approaches

2. Which of the following ethical approaches promotes the maximum amount of pleasure and happiness with the minimum amount of pain and suffering?

A. Utilitarianism B. Personalized C. Deontologic D. Natural law theory

State Regulatory Boards

3. Physical therapists do all of the following, except:

A. Diagnose impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities related to medical conditions, movement dysfunction, and other health-related disorders. B. Provide medical diagnoses. C. Identify when a patient's signs and symptoms potentially lie outside the scope of the physical therapist’s diagnosis. D. Identify when a patient requires a referral to a physician for further diagnostic work-up and identification or underlying pathology.

Wisconsin Regulations

4. “General supervision” means direct, on-premises contact between a supervisor, and a physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, student or temporary licensee being supervised, as necessary. Between direct contacts, a supervisor is required to maintain indirect, off-premises telecommunication contact such that the person being supervised can, within _____, establish direct telecommunication with a supervisor.

A. 60 minutes B. 12 hours C. 24 hours D. 2 business days

5. If circumstances prevent signed documentation by the client, the licensee may document verbal consent within the patient’s health care record.

A. True B. False

6. No service or part of a service may be provided without the client’s informed consent or after informed consent has been withdrawn.

A. True B. False

7. All applicants shall complete written examinations. In addition, an applicant may be required to complete an oral examination under all of the following criteria, except for:

A. If the applicant has a medical condition which in any way impairs or limits the applicant’s ability to practice physical therapy with reasonable skill and safety. B. If the applicant uses chemical substances so as to impair in any way the applicant’s ability to practice physical therapy with reasonable skill and safety. C. If the applicant has within the past five years engaged in the illegal use of controlled substances. D. If the applicant has been diagnosed as suffering from pedophilia, exhibitionism, or voyeurism.

8. If an applicant for examination fails to achieve passing grades on _____, the applicant may not be admitted to further examinations until the applicant reapplies for licensure and presents to the board evidence of further professional training or education as the board may consider appropriate in the applicant’s specific case.

A. The first examination B. The second reexamination C. The third reexamination D. The fourth reexamination

9. A physical therapist may supervise no more than a combined total of _____ physical therapists and physical therapist assistants who hold temporary licenses.

A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

10. In providing general supervision, the physical therapist shall do all of the following, except for:

A. Have direct face-to-face contact with the physical therapist assistant at least every 30 calendar days, unless the board approves another type of contact. B. Have primary responsibility for physical therapy care and rendered by the physical therapist assistant. C. Remain accessible to telecommunication in the interim between direct contacts while the physical therapist assistant is providing patient care. D. Establish a written policy and procedure for a written and oral communication. This policy and procedure shall include a specific description of the supervisory activities undertaken for the physical therapist assistant as well as a description of the manner by which the physical therapist shall manage all aspects of patient care. The amount of supervision shall be appropriate to the setting and the services provided.

11. An act performed without the care and skill of a reasonable physical therapist or physical therapist assistant who performs the act in question, whether or not the care results in actual harm to the patients is known as “unprofessional conduct.”

A. True B. False

APTA Code of Ethics

12. The purpose of the Code of Ethics is to:

A. Define the ethical principles that form the foundation of physical therapist practice in patient / client management, consultation, education, research, and administration. B. Provide guidance for physical therapists facing ethical challenges, regardless of their professional roles and responsibilities. C. Establish the standards by which the American Physical Therapy Association can determine if a physical therapist has engaged in unethical conduct. D. All of the above.

13. Physical therapists shall provide the information necessary to allow patients or their surrogates to make informed decisions about physical therapy care or participation in clinical research.

A. True B. False

14. Physical therapists shall collaborate with patients / clients to empower them in decisions about their health care.

A. True B. False

15. Physical therapists who have knowledge that a colleague is unable to perform their professional responsibilities with reasonable skill and safety shall not interfere, as doing so will lead to a hostile work environment and make it more difficult for the patients / clients.

A. True B. False

16. Physical therapists shall not accept gifts or other considerations that:

A. Influence or give an appearance of influencing their professional judgement. B. Are over a $25 value. C. Both (A) and (B). D. None of the above.

17. Physical therapists can recommend products or services that they have a financial interest in without disclosing that interest to their patients / clients.

A. True B. False

18. Physical therapists shall advocate to:

A. Reduce health disparities and health care inequities. B. Improve access to health care services. C. Address the health, wellness, and preventive health care needs of people. D. Physical therapists shall advocate for all of the above.

APTA Guide for Professional Conduct

19. Physical therapists shall do each of the following, except:

A. Shall act in a respectful manner toward each person regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, religion, ethnicity, social or economic status, sexual orientation, health condition, or disability. B. Shall not engage in any sexual relationship with any of their patients / clients, supervisees, or students, unless it is consensual by all parties involved. C. Shall encourage colleagues with physical, psychological, or substance-related impairments that may adversely impact their professional responsibilities to seek assistance or counsel. D. Shall provide pro bono physical therapy services or support organizations that meet the health needs of people who are economically disadvantaged, uninsured, and underinsured.

20. With regard to the patient / client management role, once a physical therapist accepts an individual for physical therapy services he / she shall be responsible for:

A. The examination, evaluation, and diagnosis of that individual. B. The prognosis and intervention. C. The maintenance of adequate records, including progress reports. D. The physical therapist is responsible for all of the above.

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