Flex Therapist CEUs

Low Back Pain: Ideas for Exercise

Chronic Low Back Pain - The Exercise Prescription

1. The American Council on Exercise recognizes exercise as a first line intervention for those with chronic low back pain.

A. True B. False

2. Core muscles strengthen and stabilize the spine, pelvis, and shoulders, and include all of the following, except:

A. Gracilis B. Erector spinae C. Multifidus D. Hip flexors

3. Individuals with chronic low back pain have been found to exhibit less trunk muscle activity and observed stiffness during exercises in the frontal, sagittal, and transverse planes.

A. True B. False

4. Significant improvement on self reported measures of pain, disability, and function were documented with which intervention?

A. Pilates B. Core strengthening exercise C. Both Pilates and core strengthening exercise D. Neither Pilates nor core strengthening exercise resulted in significant improvement

5. The Mayo Clinic recommends which of the following for core strengthening?

A. The pike B. The Superman C. The modified bridge D. The Rainbow

Effects of a Twelve-Week Program of Lumbar-Stabilization Exercises on Multifidus Muscles, Isokinetic Peak Torque and Pain for Women with Chronic Low Back Pain

6. There is evidence that patients with chronic low back pain have a smaller cross-sectional area of the multifidus muscles compared to healthy volunteers.

A. True B. False

7. Which of the following has been shown to increase lumbar muscle strength and is therefore an effective treatment for chronic low back pain?

A. Lumbar extension training with pelvic stabilization. B. Lumbar extension training without pelvic stabilization. C. Lumbar extension training with or without pelvic stabilization increases lumbar muscle strength. D. Lumbar extension training, with or without pelvic stabilization, is not an effective treatment for chronic low back pain.

8. Which of the following was found to decrease after the 12-week lumbar stabilization exercise program?

A. Multifidus muscle cross-sectional area B. Trunk muscle isokinetic peak torque C. Oswestry Disability Index D. All of the above increased after the intervention

9. After 1 month without the lumbar stabilization exercise program, pain intensity significantly depended on the:

A. Ratio of isokinetic trunk extension and flexion strength B. Maximal isometric flexion strength C. Both the maximal isometric flexion strength and the ratio of isokinetic trunk extension and flexion strength D. Neither the maximal isometric flexion strength nor the ratio of isokinetic trunk extension and flexion strength

10. The most important factor for the treatment of chronic low back pain, ensuring improvements in the patients’ functional state and maintaining its lasting effect is:

A. Abdominal and back muscle static endurance B. Isometric abdominal muscle strength C. Similarity between trunk flexion and extension strength D. All of the above

Effects of Core Strengthening on Cardiovascular Fitness, Flexibility and Strength of Patients with Low Back Pain

11. Low back pain problems linked to lifestyle indicates:

A. Stress B. Lack of exercise C. Poor posture D. All of the above

12. Weakness in any of the core muscles can affect spinal stability and leave the lower back vulnerable to injury.

A. True B. False

13. Strength of core muscles are found to be affected in the patients with low back pain and most commonly _____ muscles are found to be atrophied.

A. Multifidi B. Erector spinae C. Piriformis D. Rectus abdominis

14. Core exercises increase utilization of motor units during muscle contractions, thus increasing the size and strength of slow-twitch muscle fibers from a high-resistance program.

A. True B. False

15. Which type of core exercises increase blood supply to muscles?

A. High-resistance B. High-repetition C. Both high-resistance and high-repetition D. Neither high-resistance nor high-repetition

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