Physical Therapy Statistics

Whether you are looking to get into physical therapy, or just doing some research, or your just interested in this field. You’ll find interesting facts and statistics that will help you make better decisions by being informed on the current state of physical therapy in the USA.

Physical Therapy Salary

  1. The median annual physical therapist salary in 2019 was $89,440, or $43.00 per hour. (
  2. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $62,120, while the highest 10 percent earned more than $124,740 (
  3. 2020 median pay for physical therapists is $91,010 per year or $43.75 per hour (
  4. The average male physical therapist salary was $88,766 in 2021 (
  5. The average femae physical therapist salary was $67,075 in 2021 (
  6. The highest paying industries for Physical therapists, by average wage, are Administration of human resource programs, Colleges, universities & professional schools, including junior colleges, (
  7. There are 12,100 physical therapists employed at offices of physicians. The mean hourly wage was $43.94 and the annual mean wage was $91,400 (
  8. There are 12,190 physical therapists employed at nursing care facilities. The mean hourly wage was $46.82 and the annual mean wage was $97,390 (
  9. There are 25,460 physical therapists employed at home health care services. The mean hourly wage was $47.32 and the annual mean wage was $98,430 (
  10. There are 55,790 physical therapists employed at general medical and surgical hospitals. The mean hourly wage was $44.79 and the annual mean wage was $93,160 (
  11. There are 55,790 physical therapists employed at Offices of Other Health Practitioners. The mean hourly wage was $41.91 and the annual mean wage was $87,170 (
  12. In 2019, Physical therapists earned an average of $74,238, $18,714 more than than the average national salary of $55,524. (
  13. In May 2020, the medium annual wages for physical thearpists in nursing and residential care facilities was $97,610 (
  14. In May 2020, the medium annual wages for physical therapists in home healthcare services was $95,320 (
  15. In May 2020, the medium annual wages for physical therapists in hospitals, state, local and private offices was $93,060 (
  16. In May 2020, the medium annual wages for physical therapists in offices of physical, occupational & speech therapists and audiologists $85,680 (

Physical Therapy Job Growth

  1. There are approximately 239,000 physical therapy jobs in 2020 (
  2. Employment of physical therapists is projected to grow 22 percent from 2018 to 2028 (
  3. The job growth for physical therapists is expected to grow at 21% (
  4. Physical therapists held about 239,200 jobs in 2020 (
  5. The 10-year national workforce is projected to grow 3.71%, but Physical Therapists are expected to see a growth of 18.2% over the same period. (

Physical Therapy Employeers

  1. The largest employers of physical therapists were as follows: Offices of physical, occupational and speech therapists, and audiologists, Hospitals; state, local, and private, Home healthcare services, Self-employed workers, Nursing and residential care facilities 6 (
  2. The most in demand skills for physical therapists are: communication skills, compassion, detail oriented, dexterity, physical stamina, resourcefulness, and time management skills (
  3. About 15,600 openings for physical therapists are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire. (
  4. Demand for physical therapy will come in part from the large number of aging baby boomers, who are staying more active later in life than their counterparts of previous generations. Older people are more likely to experience heart attacks, strokes, and mobility-related injuries that require physical therapy for rehabilitation. (
  5. In addition, a number of chronic conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, have become more prevalent in recent years. More physical therapists will be needed to help these patients maintain their mobility and manage the effects of chronic conditions.
  6. Outpatient care centers employs the largest share of Physical therapists at 41.8%, followed by General medical and surgical hospitals, and specialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse) hospitals with 27% and Home health care services with 9.12%.(
  7. The most common industries employing Physical therapists, by number of employees, are Outpatient care centers, General medical and surgical hospitals, and specialty (except psychiatric and substance abuse) hospitals, and Home health care services.(
  8. By looking over 29,666 physical therapists resumes, we figured out that the average physical therapist enjoys staying at their job for 1-2 years for a percentage of 31%.(
  9. Physical therapists are most often employed by the Outpatient care centers industry. (
  10. Physical therapists are more likely to work at private companies in comparison to public companies (

Physical Therapist Statistics By State

  1. The number of physical therapists working in California is 22,100 and on average they make $104,500 a year or $50.24 an hour. (
  2. The number of physical therapists working in New York is 16,150 and on average they make $92,860 a year or $44.64 an hour. (
  3. The number of physical therapists working in Texas is 14,710 and on average they make $90,870 a year or $43.69 an hour. (
  4. The number of physical therapists working in Florida is 13,630 and on average they make $85,410 a year or $41.06 an hour. (
  5. The number of physical therapists working in Pennsylvania is 10,670 and on average they make $90,890 a year or $43.70 an hour. (
  6. San Francisco, CA pays an annual average wage of $101,231, the highest in the US.(
  7. The top 3 locations that employ the most Physical therapists are Rockingham County (Southern)Portsmouth City PUMA, NH, Columbia (West) & Ellicott City (Northwest) PUMA, MD, and Bucks County (North) PUMA, PA. (
  8. Physical therapists are paid most in Columbia (West) & Ellicott City (Northwest) PUMA, MD but are relatively concentrated in Columbia (West) & Ellicott City (Northwest) PUMA, MD (
  9. Alaska is the best state for physical therapists to live. (
  10. Physical therapists are most in-demand in Chicago, IL (

Physical Therapy Demographics

  1. The average age of physical therapists in 2019 was 41.4 (
  2. In 2015, Physical therapists had a wage GINI coefficient of 0.283, which is lower than than the national average of 0.478. In other words, wages are distributed more evenly for Physical therapists than for the overall labor force). (
  3. Demographic information on Physical therapists in the US. The average age of male Physical therapists in the workforce is 41.5 and of female Physical therapists is 41.3, and the most common race/ethnicity for Physical therapists is White (Non-Hispanic). (
  4. 67% of Physical therapists are Female, making them the more common gender in the occupation. (
  5. 76.3% of Physical therapists are White (Non-Hispanic), making that the most common race or ethnicity in the occupation. Representing 13.5% of Physical therapists, Asian (Non-Hispanic) is the second most common race or ethnicity in this occupation.(
  6. The most common majors during college for future physical therapists is: health, parks, recreation & leisure, biology (
  7. In 2021, women earned 97% of what men earned. US (
  8. 23% of all physical therapists are LGBT (
  9. The most common degree for physical therapists is bachelor's degree 58% of physical therapists earn that degree. A close second is doctoral degree with 17% and rounding it off is master's degree with 14%.(
  10. The most common foreign language among physical therapists is Spanish at 47.9%. The second-most popular foreign language spoken is Hindi at 8.3% and Gujarati is the third-most popular at 4.5%.(

Physical Therapy & Coronavirus

  1. We do not anticipate that the coronavirus will have any negative impact on our students' ability to acquire gainful employment.(
  2. Even in light of the pandemic, I believe that entry level physical therapists (DPTs) should avoid taking a gap year after graduation (unless extreme personal circumstances warrant this decision).(